66 Ridgedale Ave. Florham Park, NJ 07932


A Healthy Smile dentistry News letter Blog


In order increase our patients dental awareness and knowledge about their oral health and dental needs, our office will start newsletters to our communities such as Florham Park, madison, chatham, and morristown.

We’ve all been taught that we should take care of our teeth and gums
with brushing, fl ossing, and regular checkups. But did you know that
neglecting your smile could not only lead to unsightly bleeding gums and
tooth loss, but also to serious long-term health problems?
Research has linked poor oral health to
certain cancers, heart disease, arthritis, diabetic
complications, and more.
It’s important to invest in yourself today, for
a healthier tomorrow, by having regular dental
checkups and…
Brushing Regularly: Use a soft-bristle
toothbrush for at least 2 minutes twice a day
and replace it every 3 months.
Flossing: Floss once a day to remove plaque and food from under
the gumline and in between teeth.
Drinking Water: Have a glass of water after eating to rinse away
food particles.
Chewing Sugarless Gum: Gum produces saliva which is a natural
mouth rinse. If you can’t brush after a meal, chew sugarless gum.
Gum disease is the most common adult dental problem. It can
progress quite painlessly and lead to serious health concerns, but it can be
prevented. Invest some time in yourself today for a healthier tomorrow.
Gum Maintenance Start now for a healthier future
We will prescribe
a checkup and
home care
regimen that will
work best for you.
5 ways to look and feel your best!
Whitening Options
You’ve always wanted a bright white smile, and there are several ways to get it.
Whether you need to fi x damage or imperfections, or you simply want to whiten
your teeth, there are options for you!
BLEACHING: Nothing beats an in-offi ce whitening treatment. There are a
number of options available depending on the severity of the stains.
BONDING: Bonding makes teeth more attractive by changing their color,
shape, and spacing. Bonding uses a tooth-colored material that is molded to
reshape a tooth, cover and even-out chips, and fi ll in small gaps between teeth.
VENEERS: A thin durable porcelain shell covers the front surface of a tooth,
hiding stains, fi llings, chipped and crooked teeth, and teeth of uneven lengths.
CROWNS: If a tooth is damaged, but not lost, then a crown will protect it and
give it support. Crowns are also a durable and attractive way to reshape teeth.
REPLACEMENT FILLINGS: Unsightly silver-colored fi llings can be replaced
with white composite ones for a more uniform natural appearance.
Several options are available to brighten your teeth. No matter which
procedure is

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